We picked up this craigslist piece today from a friend actually. The man selling it responded by calling my number I left on the reply email. I recognized his voice right away, funny enough and just guessed his last name after he told me his first. Rory has known him and his family for years and we share our surname with each other. He used to work for the guys brother years ago, anywho he delivered it for us in his truck and gave us the friend discount.
Small town we live in, huh?
Now I need to figure out how to decorate around it. If you haven't noticed Jefé is gone, but don't fret he moved just around to the other side of the wall.
You two are just decorating up a storm and making great progress. Thanks for taking photos and writing this blog so we can share in your life and follow along as your home and family "take root." We love you Rory and Nicole, Auntie Wheeze
Thanks Wheeze! We are busy with a new thing each day, so its great to be able to record it on the blog. I'm sure when we have a moment to relax and think back, all of it will be a blur, so having it on here is a good little scrapbook!
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