Mr. B, Baxter and I have been enjoying the sun, and our weekends off. We have also been busy going to weddings and spending time with friends. So you can't really blame me for slacking off on our home (besides trying to keep up on the landscaping). I promise to get to something crafty soon, but I think I am a seasonal blogger for now. At least until our lawn looks presentable, we do have priorities now!
We got new bikes for my birthday a couple weeks ago, and we love them! I bike all the time on my own, and Mr. B comes with me for long rides together. We have felt like Baxter has been a bit left out, so we got to creating.
Mr. B built him a wooden seat for the back of my cruiser today and Baxter was great on it. We harnessed him in and buckled him down lined it with a fleece blanket and took him for a test ride. Its just a prototype, so its particle board and unfinished, don't judge. We mainly wanted to see if I could ride with 21 lbs behind me, and if Baxter would dig it or not. He loved it!
Now our little buddy can be included on our summer cruises.