The color is so lovely.
I also scored this old little stool base and I can't wait for the time to upholster a top for it.
I managed to paint the backs, and second coat the fronts of our vanity despite the wet weather, the coats dry fast if you apply thin ones.
Now the Bad. Well you know what happens when people remodel their own master bathrooms, after the previous owners already remodeled it but did a lousy job? Bad things happen. Rory was attempting to remove the mold ridden step into our shower while I was out picking up tools from the folks, when he cut into a hidden water pipe and drenched the bathroom and some of our bedroom. He quickly shut the water off and assessed the situation. We are now on damage control and hopefully this will be a thing to laugh at when we're old.
Our beautiful new expensive carpet is currently in this position until it drys out. I'm trying to remain calm. Excuse my language, but this is my mantra....deep breath...."Nothing is fucked dude."
Here is Rory fixing the "little mistake" and hopefully we'll have water on for tonight.
This shot shows how gross it is where the leaky tile had been, due to the previous owner remodel booboo of not supporting the footing to the shower.
All I have left to say is thank goodness for parents that watch our little mischievous puppy Baxter in these stressful times, without you we would be pulling our hair out. Thank you! And thanks for the plumbing tools to fix this dad!