Well today is our first anniversary as a married pair! We have a full day ahead of us of tiling. We got behind schedule quite a bit yesterday, due to my fault. I wanted to drive down to Santa Barbara first thing to pick up a craigslist find of a solid wood table and 6 matching chairs that I plan to refinish for our outdoor dining set. So we didn't get back till 11 am.
Then when we started to prep for our tile job for the day, when we came across a miscalculation on my part. Oops! We had to change the design a bit to make it fit properly. Also a miss shipment of the wrong size trim tile. Instead of a 6"x1" blue trim tile we were shipped 4"x1" leaving us with a large difference of 2" less per tile by 44 tiles = 88 inches we are missing. Well we dealt with it, and started to map out a different plan using less trim. We didn't actually get to putting tile up on the wall till 2pm. This is how its looking so far. We are going to get the yellow done today and our goal is to get all the tile up by tonight, and I think we will have to wait to grout another day. I worked on the cobalt blue cove where I plan to hang the copper pots. I still need to do the "lid" or ceiling of the cove. But I am proud of my first tiling job.
Rory is now chopping wood out back for our fire tonight, as I blog and finish up our morning coffee. And now we are going to take Baxter for a nice long walk and then start the tile! I will make Rory a anniversary breakfast of waffles and sausage, and use the delicious maple syrup my parents brought back for us from Canada!
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